Sunday, July 15, 2007

Okay so I thought this was to cute. Owen turns 3 in a week so i thought it was high time that he started sleeping in a big boy bed. Yes i know most kids start sleeping in big kids LONG before their 3rd birthday but he was perfectly happy in a crib seeing as how it took us so long to get him one and he slept in a closet for the first year and half of his life.... don't worry it was a walk in lol. It's a family thing us Powell's like to stick our kids in the closet right Sara? anyway, so we put his bed together tonight and every one told me "he's not going to stay in bed hes going to fight it tooth and nail" but i had faith!!! Not once did he get out of bed!!!!!! Can you believe it!!!! Not once!!!! So i took so pictures and here they are of my Big boy!!!! He had growen up way to fast!!!! I Love him!!!!!!


Elizabeth. said...

yeah big boy!!!

sarawhat said...

He looks like such a big boy. LIke he should already be in kindergarden big. Love those pics, so cute .